If you like wearing pants, going to functions, “shooting” emails, and networking, then Zivist is not for you. His debut show was a jungle set in a VFW in Bozeman, MT. After turning some suits and truckers(REAL ONES) on to Squarepusher it was time to see what could happen in Portland, OR. That is when it got weird. Playing with Turtle and peeing the pants after refusing to leave the stage put the name into the “showman” category in the rainy town. The Roseland ballroom got to see what full contact rollie-chair meant and how sensitive Bernie’s Bucket of Flying Brains can be when they are doing a sound check. The M bar had to change their max capacity to 11 for a Zivist set. It was a mess. The Oregonian desert proved to be an interesting time when the sound system had to compete with a jackass(A REAL ONE) and ricocheting bullets. After a new years set where nobody remembered the set but was dancing their asses off at the time it was the correct move to go to LA for a short stint of lesbian jello wrestling. Then on to NYC! This is where Superglorious and Hip-star decided to utilize the hat-wearing enigma in their own brand of Tom-foolery. One of these two entities tried to make out with me…twice. You shouldn’t be shocked by this. So, come and get inappropriate wherever you hear Zivist beats playing at your local romper-room.
Dig if you will, a little mix by Zivist.
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Video evidence of Zivist sighting: